domingo, 23 de dezembro de 2007

Toural Square

What is considered to be the heart of today´s was in the 17th century a square outside the city walls, adjacent to the city´s main gate, where the cattle market took place. In 1791 the Town Council leased the land adjoining the walls for the construction of buildings which were later built following plans probably derived from Lisbon. Thus began the gradual process of transforming the Toural.
In the second half of the 19th century a public garden was laid down surrounded by metal railings, which opened in 1878. A new urban furniture was created for this space incorporating architecture in cast iron; bandstand, public conveniences, benches and street-lamps. With the inauguration of the Republic the public garden was transferred to another site and the Toural redesigned with a statue of Afonso Henriques as its centre-piece. Some years later this was moved to the Castle park and an attractive fountain took its place.

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